Hojin Park

PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University

Bio | Hojin Park


Hojin Park is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Prof. Greg Ganger and Prof. George Amvrosiadis. His research interests broadly encompass distributed systems, with a focus on building high-performance, cost-efficient storage and caching systems in public clouds.

Hojin’s work has been published in SOSP’24, SYSTOR’23, HotCloud’20, ICDCS’19, and EuroSys’19. He is also a recipient of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies scholarship, which supports his Ph.D. studies for five years.

Before starting his Ph.D., Hojin graduated from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Seoul National University. During his undergraduate studies, he interned at the Software Platform Lab, where he was advised by Prof. Byung-Gon Chun and worked on developing systems for auto-parallelizing machine learning training.